Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More about me

Known for the accuracy and depth of her analysis of movement patterns in both animals and humans, Maryna's involvement in the world of the moving body began early. Raised in the Hudson Valley of upstate New York, Maryna began coaching soccer at the age of 16, became the first woman soccer referee in NY at the age of 17, and co-founded the first girl's soccer league. She later taught recreational skiing and horse back riding, and was an Instructor for TROT, Therapeutic Riding of Tucson. For many years, she was deeply involved in the sport of endurance riding (long distance horse races) as competitor and crew, where she helped pioneer concepts of sports therapy in the horse world. She would go on to apply what would become Kinaesthetics to elite athletes from the disciplines of competitive trail, cutting, dressage, driving, endurance (including winners of the Tevis Cup, and the 1986 and 1990 World Championships in Rome, Italy and Stockholm, Sweden), eventing, racing, roping, and vaulting.

She has worked on or with dogs from a vast array of breeds and disciplines from the conformation ring to agility, doggy dancing, search and rescue, police dogs, and the family pet. Currently she is collaborating with Animal Care Center of Green Valley to develop detailed bodycare strategies for canine patients with movement disorders, post-surgical patients and geriatric patients.

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